Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

I cried at the previews of this film. I knew what I was getting into.
Megan and I went to a midnight showing of this while in Vegas. Unlike other midnight showings I have attended in LA (Mainly Harry Potter flicks), there was no line, no crowd, just some people looking for something to do and possibly some place to cool off. (90 degrees at midnight in inhumane)

This movie did not let me down. I cried from the moment it began until the moment it ended. My only problem was it was a bit confusing at times with all of the "time travel". It made it hard to know if they were oin the past or the present at times, and really when you are crying and looking through blurry eyes, it is asking to much of me to try to figure things out.

Cameron Diaz was great as a mom of 3 the oldest of which has cancer and the youngest of which had been genetically conceived to be a "farm of body parts" for the sibling. Yeah, it is that involved. Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine) plays the youngest girl and does a great job but the movie belongs entirely to Sofia Vassilieva who plays Kate. She was amazing.

I am glad I didn't read the book and I don't usually enjoy Nicholas Sparks, but this movie was done well and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

P.s. If you did read the book, I have heard that the ending is different.

Three diet cokes

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Anonymous said...

I read the book, and it had me in tears!! I want to see this but I also heard the ending is completely different! Oh well, I'll probably still see it, I am all for a new ending if it is a good movie! Thanks!

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